SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rants & Rambles: One Year

My husband and I have been doing BFL for a year now. Not by the book by any stretch of the imagination but we have made lasting changes that are sticking. We started out just doing the eDiets Eating for Life plan and then I added the workouts also, for the first 5 months or so we saw some great results. Then the holidays came. I really wasn't too concerned about falling off the wagon during the holidays; I figured we would just hop back on once things settled down. Boy, was I it is 7 months later and we're still struggling to get back on track!

I've had some big events that should have helped me with motivation; I had my 20 year high school reunion, I had a family reunion and my husband and I are leaving for our first cruise this Saturday. Why hasn't all this motivated me? We have made a lot of changes; I no longer buy white bread, we eat a good breakfast every day, I don't buy all the junk food for us to snack on like I used to, no regular soda and the way I cook has changed. We haven't gained everything we lost back and I am much more comfortable with my body, so this has been a good year for us but with all the progress we have made I can't help thinking about what could have been.

Last Friday a group of us from work went out for drinks. Towards the end of the evening I was talking with one of my male coworkers, we were sitting there talking about who we thought was attractive and who wasn't....I know, it sounds tacky but we had had a few drinks and we're just setting there BSing....anyway, he looks me in the eye and says so what happened to the diet. I didnt think too much about it at the time, he and I are good friends and we talk about all kinds of stuff but what he said just keeps going through my mind. What did happen to the diet? People were noticing while I was following the plan, I was getting compliments, why did I stop? That's the question I can't seem to find the answer to, maybe if I could answer that question I could get back on track.

I've decided that I need to reread the Body for Life book and really take a look at my goals. I've never been very good at setting goals, it's like I'm afraid to set them to high cause I may not reach them so I just don't bother to set any at all. Maybe I can take this next week on the cruise to relax, rejuvenate and reevaluate and come up with long and short-term goals!


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