SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Daily Tips: Tuesday July 12, 2005

Health and Diet
Don't have enough time to exercise? Delegate duties. This goes for both work and household chores. While it may be hard to let go of that old, If you want something done right... chestnut, you'll be happier in the long run if you let people help you. For starters, make a chart with household tasks and divvy up the responsibilities among family members.

Where in your life can you plant something? Bond with your neighbors at a nearby community garden or join in on a city beautification day. If you have your own garden, plant the most beautiful flowers and plants. Go for plants that are easy to take care of (sunflowers are really easy). A garden is a gift both to you and the insects, birds, and neighbors around you. If youre feeling ambitious, try planting some edibles, such as lettuce, tomatoes, or strawberries.


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