SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Daily Tips: Saturday July 2, 2005

Health and Diet
Think of physical activity as part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth! Schedule it in your daily planner. Put your workout clothes and shoes where you cant miss them. Exercise at the time that is most convenient for you, whether its morning, noon or night. When you are short on time and have to sacrifice something, it shouldnt be your exercise.

To stimulate the abdominals without straining the neck, you can do some isometric contractions. Lie on the floor in the crunch position with knees bent. Then focus on squeezing the abdominals which originate on the bottom of the rib cage and extend to the pubic bone. Hold for 5 seconds and release for 2. Repeat this sequence for 15 repetitions.


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