SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Monday, January 31, 2005


You gotta love endorphins…how else could you be sick all weekend, drag your butt to the gym Monday night and be able to do a killer leg workout and feel 100% better???

Sunday, January 30, 2005


YUK...I've been sick all weekend. It's just a cold but I feel like crap.


Friday, January 28, 2005

Happy Dance

Happy Dance

Happy Dance today!!!
I lost 2 lbs. this week... woohoo!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Wake Up!!!

Wake Up!!!

I've been waking up at 4:30 every morning lately....what the heck is going on? Once I'm awake I can't go back to sleep so I should be getting up and going to the gym but I'm working out with my trainer at night and when I don't work out with him I'm doing cardio with another friend so I just haven't had it in me to go in the mornings too. The agonies of being a morning person...LOL!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


OK, so you know I’m working out with a trainer…while the scale is still an evil lying piece of crap, the most amazing thing is happening…I’m getting hard! I mean my legs are really getting hard, even when I’m not flexing and trying to show whoever will look that I DO have muscle under all this flab. I find myself not watching the road while I’m driving cause I’m too darn busy looking at my wonderful new HARD biceps, it’s the coolest thing (unless you happen to be in the car I’m about to smash into).

I’m so hooked…the first thing I do in the morning now is feel my legs and arms to make sure it wasn’t just a dream and that I really do have muscle. My whole family is tired of me asking; “Feel my muscles do you think they’re bigger?” This is so much fun… who knew that one evil, sadistic trainer could make ME find some muscle.

I still hate cardio!

Monday, January 24, 2005


How the hell do fat people run? I tried running this weekend and thought I was going to die. I got up early, got dressed, put on my running shoes, stretched a little bit and took off down the street. By the time I got to the corner I was breathing hard, by the time I got to the next corner I was sure my gasping for breath was going to wake-up the whole neighborhood, by the time I got to the next corner I was wondering who was going to find my body. Then I had to walk….but even while walking I was having trouble catching my breath, I did that hands on the head thing and was still seeing stars….but I kept on walking. I was finally able to breath somewhat and managed to finish my two miles (most of it walking).

Next time I try running I’ll be pulling an oxygen tank with me!

I hate cardio!

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Heeeeere's Johnny!

We bid you a very heartfelt goodbye.

Johnny Carson

Saturday, January 22, 2005

We got wrapped

Someone wrapped our house last night! They did a pretty good job too. We had one tree toilet paper wrapped; crackers, eggs, ketchup, mayo and chocolate sauce on the front porch, and they stuck 50 to 100 plastic forks, knives and spoons in the yard. We have no idea who did it but they took some time!




Friday, January 21, 2005


Is anyone else glad it's Friday... this has been one looooong week.


Monday, January 17, 2005


I have a trainer!

I've been working out with a trainer three times a week and I'm hooked. I'm seeing huge results, I feel firmer all over and it's soooo cool.

I'm not dropping weight like I thought I would but he did a second bodyfat analysis and my bodyfat is really dropping.

My trainer likes to torcher me but I must be a masochist because I love it. Take my advice...if there is anyway you can get a trainer do it.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Headed back to school.

He's headed back to school....woohoo!

It was nice to have Brandon home for the holidays but I'm kinda (snort) ready for him to go back. Things change when a kid goes off to college, they change, you change, everything changes. The other kids get used to him not being here, he gets used to doing things when and how he wants to do them and it's different when they come home.

I love him and this will always be his home but woohoo, he's headed back to school!!!!

Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy New Year

I don't know about you but I'm glad that the Holidays are over!!!!

With our oldest son home from college and all the parties and family get-togethers our clean eating and exercise has gone out the window! Now it's time to get things back under control and back on track. Thank goodness.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is off to a Happy New Year.