SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Monday, October 25, 2004


Well I figured out why I've been so tired....I'm sick! It hit like a ton of bricks yesterday. I know this sounds crazy but I'm kinda glad, at least now I know why I was feeling so rundown and now I'm on the road to recovery!

With eDiets you weigh-in weekly, Friday was weigh-in day - 1 lbs lost. I know that doesn't sound like much but I'm very happy with a 1 to 2 lbs weight loss each week. As long as I see progress it helps me keep going.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


I need goals!!

I've decided that I need to set some mini goals daily. I've been slacking and it's showing, the scale isn't moving and the clothes aren't getting any looser. I've been doing this with the idea of getting fit and loosing weight but no specific goals, so I'm working on some long term goals but I think I need some daily goals to help me stay on track and get motivated.

So here are my goals for today;

Eat clean
Eat all 6 meals
Walk 2 miles after work tonight
Pack meals for next day
Drink 96 oz. of water at work
Drink 32 oz. of water at home
Remember to take supplements (vitamin, calcium, Udo’s)
Program pedometer

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Web Site

Stop by and check out my new Web Site........

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Boring; uninteresting; tedious; dull; dreary; mind-numbing; tiresome; lackluster; unexciting; these are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of my Blog. I don’t even want to read it much less post my menus and workouts, I mean who really cares how much I lifted and what I ate. So I think I’m going to change it up some, see if I can’t come up with something a bit more exciting. I still plan on posting my menus but in a different format maybe the same for my workouts, I’ll just have to play around with it and see how it goes.

So if anyone out there actually looks and this thing check back often and let me know your thoughts and suggestions (try and be nice).