Boring; uninteresting; tedious; dull; dreary; mind-numbing; tiresome; lackluster; unexciting; these are just a few of the words that come to mind when I think of my Blog. I don’t even want to read it much less post my menus and workouts, I mean who really cares how much I lifted and what I ate. So I think I’m going to change it up some, see if I can’t come up with something a bit more exciting. I still plan on posting my menus but in a different format maybe the same for my workouts, I’ll just have to play around with it and see how it goes.
So if anyone out there actually looks and this thing check back often and let me know your thoughts and suggestions (try and be nice).
So if anyone out there actually looks and this thing check back often and let me know your thoughts and suggestions (try and be nice).
SmartyPantz..I think we may have chatted on BFL women's group about the Mootopia? I live in Austin.
When I started my blog I waited until I had sometihng "profound" to say. It was boring. So now I try to post every couple of days with just a little blurb, or more if I want, about what's going on in my daily boring life! :) I discovered from reading other's blogs that it is the daily little bumps in the road that people find interesting....kind of like we all have these same little tiny things that make up our lives and it brings us all together to see others going through the same mindless crap! LOL
So, you may want to not post specific workouts, but just that you worked out, and oh, you saw a squirrel on your way to work and it looked like Abraham Lincoln (or other such silliness).
And pictures! If you can do it, pictures are great. Like Skwigg's blog.
Hope this helps!
Mandi aka Fabric Princess, at 7:35 AM
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