SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Daily Tips: Friday September 30, 2005

Health and Diet
If you're dealing with diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, celiac sprue, cancer, or any other medical condition, there may be more to deal with than just dietary changes. Address your emotional state of health by logging on to the eDiets support boards. Post your concerns, comments, or simply listen and share concerns with others. Whatever you're facing, you're not alone.

It takes 3,500 calories to burn one pound. Lose that pound through a combination of decreasing caloric intake to a healthy level and expending calories through physical activity. If you currently take in 2,000 calories a day and decreased that by 300 calories a day (one slice of pizza) and added in 200 calories worth of exercise a day (20 minute walk), you would be at a 500 calorie deficit.


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