SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Daily Tips: Sunday September 25, 2005

Health and Diet
Tickle your taste buds without fat or calories by making the most of herbs and spices. Thyme has a light, minty aroma. Parsley gives kick and color to Italian-accented dishes. Cilantro has a lively, pungent fragrance that lends itself well to salsa, and rosemary pairs well with garlic in a savory sauce. Spice it up. sprinkle chopped tarragon with dill or parsley over grilled chicken, fish, or veggies.

A good idea once you have a workout video is to watch it entirely before trying it. This way you'll know what is involved in the workout and determine if you need additional instruction or equipment that is being used in the workout.


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