SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Daily Tips: Thursday October 6, 2005

Health and Diet
"Lettuce" live right! Romaine lettuce is a terrific source of beta-carotene, while arugula is a great source of calcium. Endive provides fiber and folate while mustard greens add tyrosine. Get vitamins A and C from bok choy, and the antioxidants lutein and zeaxthanin from spinach. Mix up these potent greens for a garden-variety style salad! The more the merrier!

Because the body uses muscles in a variety of different ways for different activities, the end result of crosstraining is that more muscles are being challenged and developed. These muscles can be used on a daily basis for activities like running, reaching, squatting, scrubbing and lifting -- to name a few. Furthermore, the individual has an improved level of endurance, strength and stamina.


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