SmartyPantz - Body for Life

Saturday, August 28, 2004

The Low Down

I've been following the eDiets Eating for Life "diet" for 6 weeks now and have lost 15 pounds. Things have been going good and I've been going to the gym some but have decided I need to really start following the Body for Life plan along with Eating for Life. My husband has been doing the "diet" with me and has lost over 30 pounds!! It makes it much easier when you are supported at home and don't have to make meals that aren't on the plan. I'm also very lucky that my kids will eat just about anything so they are eating what we have for dinner and dessert, they just get to have as much as they are hungry for. We've gone through the house and gotten rid of (gave it to the food pantry at our Church) the off limits food. I can already see a difference in the choices they are making when not at home, my daughter is a soda freak (she gets that from me) and has started ordering water at restaurants!!

I really don't think of this as a's more that we have started to eat healthy. The plan is not that difficult it just takes some time to pack up all the meals to take to work and on the weekends we have to remind ourselves to eat every 2-3 hours. Getting in all the water is probably the hardest part for me, even though I have ice and water within a few steps of my office I have trouble getting it all in. The free day makes this something I can do from now on because I don't feel deprived. If there is something that I am hungry for I just have it on my free day and don't think anything of it. If I had to cheat to have what I like or am hungry for I'd never be able to stick to it because that would give the food too much power. This way it's no big deal, I just eat what I want and go on. Now don't get me wrong, there are times of the month that I feel like I could eat anything in sight, those days are hard. On those days I just pack my meals and am very careful to keep busy and away from fast food!

After 6 weeks this has already become the normal way we eat.


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